Its been kinda quiet on the Kids Say front but over the past week, Hannah has blessed us with a few.
While away at Natural Bridge, KY last weekend we stopped at a small rest area in the park to throw away some trash. They had these trash cans designed to be operated by humans with an enclosed latch that needed to be pressed to open the lid. Hannah couldn’t get it open so I showed her the instruction that said ‘Press latch to open.’ I told her it was designed that way so the animals couldn’t get into the can to which she replied, “yeah, and the animals can’t read so they won’t know how to open it.”
Later that same day we stopped at a nice little inn for lunch. Great food, well presented with parsley as a garnish. At the end of the meal, while I was paying the bill Hannah came up and said, “Grandpa Great put his paisley in his Pepsi.” I looked at her kind of strange so she said, “well Noah did it first.” I started laughing as I told her “I think you mean parsley, not paisley.” She got mad at me for laughing, again.
And I just found out about this one tonight and I LOL’d, and yes, she got mad. While her and the wife were at the grocery store Hannah saw Shawn White, Olympic snowboarder on the front of a very famous cereal box. She told my wife he was on the Whities box. Lets just hope the NAACP doesn’t find out. 😉