The Tooth Fairy, unmasked?

This morning, Hannah came into our room shaking some coins.

“Look Mommy, I found coins, what are they?” My wife still half asleep looked at them and said, “those are coins Daddy brought you from Italy I think.”

After a minute, she took a closer look at them and said, “no sweetie, these are from the Tooth Fairy, they are Susan B. Anthony dollars.”

Although I was still trying to sleep, I could hear the puzzled tone in Hannah’s voice as she said “the Tooth Fairy’s name is Susan B. Anthony?”

Laughter is a pleasant way to wake up 🙂

1 reply
  1. tim wiseman
    tim wiseman says:

    Yet another great Hannah story. My son was being rather antagonistic recently, and my brother told him that he had the boogey man’s phone number. That quited my son down a little, but then when my brother started joking around with his wife my son quickly told him, “I use you phone and call the boogey man, and he come get you. How bout that?” Kids are great.


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