Kids Say, v.19.0

Its been kinda quiet on the Kids Say front but over the past week, Hannah has blessed us with a few.

While away at Natural Bridge, KY last weekend we stopped at a small rest area in the park to throw away some trash. They had these trash cans designed to be operated by humans with an enclosed latch that needed to be pressed to open the lid. Hannah couldn’t get it open so I showed her the instruction that said ‘Press latch to open.’ I told her it was designed that way so the animals couldn’t get into the can to which she replied, “yeah, and the animals can’t read so they won’t know how to open it.”

Later that same day we stopped at a nice little inn for lunch. Great food, well presented with parsley as a garnish. At the end of the meal, while I was paying the bill Hannah came up and said, “Grandpa Great put his paisley in his Pepsi.” I looked at her kind of strange so she said, “well Noah did it first.” I started laughing as I told her “I think you mean parsley, not paisley.” She got mad at me for laughing, again.

And I just found out about this one tonight and I LOL’d, and yes, she got mad. While her and the wife were at the grocery store Hannah saw Shawn White, Olympic snowboarder on the front of a very famous cereal box. She told my wife he was on the Whities box. Lets just hope the NAACP doesn’t find out. 😉

Kids Say, v.17.0

Hannah came home on Friday after career day at school, which she said it was boring.

She told me she had really been looking forward to a session called ‘tech styles’ because she wanted to learn about making web pages and such. I asked her how it went and she said all they talked about was fashion, which I took to mean fashion on the web.

It wasn’t till the next morning while we were sitting at Starbucks and she was telling the wife about it that it all made sense to me. She told her about career day and how boring it was, and that all they talked about in ‘tech styles’ was wool and stuff. It was then I realized the career session was about textiles, not ‘tech styles’. We laughed out loud over our coffee and in typical Hannah ‘fashion’ she shot me the ‘what is so damn funny’ glare.

I love you sweetie, your view on life brings me so much joy, even if it makes you mad when it does. 🙂

Kids Say, v.16.0

It was Noah’s turn… he has been shaving fairly regularly, about once a month which isn’t bad for a 14 year old, but anyway… He had been using some of my Neutrogena shave cream so we went shopping for a regular shave cream and I picked up some Gillette Lemon Lime.

After the first time he used it he came downstairs to chat. That was when he said, ‘that new stuff smells a lot better than the other stuff, but it doesn’t taste as good.’

What can you say to that?

Kids Say, v.15.0

The funny thing is, she doesn’t even know she is doing it most of the time, but Hannah came out with another winner today.

We were running errands today and were going to get some lunch and then fill up the lawn mower gas tank on the way home. While trying to see if we had anything else on the schedule, she said:

“Are we gonna do anything after we eat lunch and get gas?”

We laughed, she got mad. One day she might get how unintentionally funny she is.

Kids Say, v.14.0

What are these kids learning today?

While at dinner tonight, in an effort to share her manicotti, Hannah asked Noah if he would like one of her ‘ravioli rollups.’


Kids Say, v.13.0

Haven’t had a decent ‘kids say’ in over 6 months but tonight Hannah came out with one.

While winding down from dinner, but still seated at the table, Hannah said, “Do I have a wisp?”

It took me a minute to get what she was saying and I started trying to think of what she meant when she followed it up with;

“I don’t know how to say it, but a kid on the bus says I do.”

I understood immediately what she meant and I broke out into laughter. She gave me one of those, ‘now what the hell is so funny’ looks so I explained it to her.

“Hannah, what the kid on the bus meant is a lisp, and no, you do not have one, at all (she doesn’t).” My wife added in, “If you did, you couldn’t pronounce your L’s” and I finished with “and you would say ‘wisp’ instead of ‘lisp’.”

She gave me one of those, ‘oh, OK then’ looks and one of her little grins, and I knew my laughter was OK until the next time.

Kids Say, v.12.0

Tonight after dinner at my Mother-In-Laws house, we were sitting around just chatting about the days events. I was talking about a website I created for my uncle that was having issues.

“Uncle Peter’s site went down” I said, followed closely by “he texted and asked me to call but since I was in the office and didn’t have his files, I didn’t.”

Hannah, who was standing next to the table with this look of anguish on her face said, “He’s blind!?”

We all looked at her with the, huh? look and I said “what sweetie? Is who blind?” to which she replied, “well, you said his sight went down so I thought Uncle Peter was blind.”

We all laughed, as I tried to explain that his website had stopped working. Hannah got mad because we laughed. Maybe one day she will see the humor.

Another Feis-tival


Hannah just completed her third Feis (1st as an Advanced Beginner), the Inaugural Buckeye State Feis, and she did quite well. If you take a look at the picture, you will see a 1st place ribbon for her reel, a 2nd place for her light jig and a 3rd place for her slip jig.

Way to go Hannah!

Children must be accompanied at all times…


I see this sign in the town where I work all the time, and although I know the intent of the sign, I can’t seem to get past the unintentional ‘literal meaning’. I find it a very unsettling.

Mouseover the pic to see what I mean.

Out of the mouths of Babes…

Having me as a father gives the children an early education on the fine art of sarcasm, but Hannah hasn’t grasped all the nuances quite yet.

Last night on the ride home from dance class, an NPR correspondent was talking about trying to book a hotel room for the upcoming inauguration and said; “If you want to get depressed, Google Washington D.C., hotels and inauguration.” My beautiful half-full child responded, “why would you WANT to get depressed?”

If she can see that, why can’t NPR? 🙂