Kids Say, v.14.0
What are these kids learning today? While at dinner tonight, in an effort to share her manicotti, Hannah asked Noah if he would like one of her ‘ravioli rollups.’ Sigh.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Mike contributed 103 entries already.
What are these kids learning today? While at dinner tonight, in an effort to share her manicotti, Hannah asked Noah if he would like one of her ‘ravioli rollups.’ Sigh.
Haven’t had a decent ‘kids say’ in over 6 months but tonight Hannah came out with one. While winding down from dinner, but still seated at the table, Hannah said, “Do I have a wisp?” It took me a minute to get what she was saying and I started trying to think of what she meant […]
Tonight after dinner at my Mother-In-Laws house, we were sitting around just chatting about the days events. I was talking about a website I created for my uncle that was having issues. “Uncle Peter’s site went down” I said, followed closely by “he texted and asked me to call but since I was in the […]
Hannah just completed her third Feis (1st as an Advanced Beginner), the Inaugural Buckeye State Feis, and she did quite well. If you take a look at the picture, you will see a 1st place ribbon for her reel, a 2nd place for her light jig and a 3rd place for her slip jig. Way […]
I see this sign in the town where I work all the time, and although I know the intent of the sign, I can’t seem to get past the unintentional ‘literal meaning’. I find it a very unsettling. Mouseover the pic to see what I mean.
I was Christmas shopping in a department store and was checking out, being assisted by an older woman. Her appearance made me think she might be Pentecostal, I mean, she had the PHD, the glasses, the outfit etc…. not that it matters, I am just trying to set the scene. She was sharing the register […]
From the local newspaper: Dayton stimulus request includes prostitution plan Couldn’t they just put in a few McDonalds, or maybe a Starbucks? Actually the story is about ridding the city of prostitution but its hard to tell based solely on the headline. 🙂
When we were traveling last week we stopped at a Bojangles in Kentucky for a quick meal. We walked in and this young lady asked if she could help us. Reading her name tag, I said something like, ‘you sure can Gloria’ and with the words barely out of my mouth I noticed this large […]
While I was mobilized I spent 3 weeks in Malaysia which a Navy colleague refered to as the ‘Land of NKR (not quite right)’. I actually thought it was fine but his title did inspire me start gathering my own NKR moments. Here is the first installment of things I noticed on my recent vacation […]
Having me as a father gives the children an early education on the fine art of sarcasm, but Hannah hasn’t grasped all the nuances quite yet. Last night on the ride home from dance class, an NPR correspondent was talking about trying to book a hotel room for the upcoming inauguration and said; “If you […]
Wondering about the Frankenstein pic? Here is the story.